Sailwave Calculated Personal Handicaps

Hi, I’ve been trying to set-up personal handicaps for a single class of boat using the alias menu - but have been unable to find a way to let Sailwave calculate helms handicaps based on prior timed results.

Hi Patrick

Welcome to the Sailwave user forum. Happy New Year

It is certainly possible
If you create Aliases of the competitors and rename the fleet for these Aliases to be something of your choice e.g. PH and then Set the PH fleet to have a Rating of NHC. It will recalculate the rating of each boat after each race and use it for the next race.

Give me a call on the mobile number below if you need any more help



Hi Jon,

Thanks for coming back to me. Happy New Year.

In the user instructions it mentioned that a video was available for using Aliases. Can you please forward a link…?

Kind regards,

Hi Patrick,

Apologies the original video was hosted on Screencast and they decided to delete all the older videos
So I’ve made a quick one again available at the link below

There is no sound but it should help you

Let me know if this is what you want or if you would like some further assistance



Many thanks Jon. Thats great.

Will let you know how I get on.

Kind regards,