Successful install of Sailwave on a Silicon MacBook M1 and a Silicon Macbook M4 with WINE

I recently successfully installed the recent update to Sailwave on two Apple Silicon MacBooks running MacOS Sequoia 15.3.1 using Kegworks. Here is the process I followed. Except for not needing Rosetta the approach should work for Intel macs running Catalina 10.15.3 or later.

## Install Home brew
I installed it following the instructions at

Note that the Homebrew installation script will ask you to enter your Mac user password. This is the password you use to sign into your Mac.

## Install Kegworks using homebrew
Kegworks is the Wineskin successor and supports macOS Catalina 10.15.4 or later.
You can find the brew installation instructions at the Kegworks-App project on

## Install Rosetta (Silicon Macs only)
Rosetta enables Intel-based features to run on Apple Silicon Macs. macOS automatically installs Rosetta 2 when needed. Sailwave needs Rosetta to work. The automatic installation did not occur in one of my laptops. If you need to; install it manually by running this command in the Terminal…

softwareupdate --install-rosetta

## Install Sailwave
Download Sailwave version 2.37.0 or later for RRS 2025-2028

  • I downloaded sw2_37_0.exe

Prepare the Kegworks

  • First you need to install wrappers and engines similar to the original Wineskin
  • Create a new blank wrapper; when finished select view the wrapper in the finder.

Install the Sailwave setup executable

  • Installing a Windows app is identical to the original Wineskin.
  • Double click the wrapper; in the configure window that opens select “advanced”
  • In the advanced window select the install software button (bottom left corner)
  • Choose the setup executable button and navigate to the sailwave setup program you downloaded

Sailwave installation will begin

Follow the prompts; select the defaults
Select the executable C:/Program Files (x86)/Sailwave/sailwave.exe

When the installation completes you are returned to the advanced window

  • On the configuration pane

    • I left the Direct 3D to Metal translation layer unchecked
    • I named my application Sailwave 2.37.0
    • I updated the Icon later
  • On the tools pane select the Config Utility (winecfg) button

    • When the wine configuration window opens select the Desktop Integration pane.
    • Change the Theme dropdown menu from Light to (No Theme) and select Apply.
      This will avoid the very frustrating white text on a white background that often occurs in some of the secondary Sailwave windows.

Close the Advanced window

Navigate to Sailwave logos on the web to find an icon you like
- I downloaded swlogo80.jpg

Navigate to your Sailwave app in the finder and select Get Info

Drag swlogo80.jpg from the finder and drop it on the icon on the top left corner of the window.

  • The icon will change then close the Get Info window

Navigate to your Sailwave app in the finder again and double click

Sailwave will open and race Management begins

Hi Dbpeer,

Firstly welcome to the Sailwave User Group Forum.

Secondly thank you for sharing your how to.

Kind regards,

Hi dbpeer,

Please note the following:

  • Sailwave works fine running on Parallels
  • Sailwave works fine with Crossover, IF your are just scoring One Design class no handicap.

Please could you check handicap scoring under your set-up? As Jon (Sailwave developer) has not been able get handicap scoring under Rosetta on his Apple M1 system working. I think he said having exchanged emails with Crossover that it was an Apple silicon problem.

Kind regards,

Huw, I have checked and the application does generate an error message when I try to rescore. Sigh…

One problem solved, another pops up.

I have been running Sailwave on a UTM Windows 11 virtual machine as well. I am scoring handicap racing so Crossover is not a solution. I will wait until someone more tech savy than me finds a better solution.


Hi David,

Thank you for the update.

I believe the issue with running Sailwave on Mac M1-M4 processors under Wine lies with Apple’s Rosetta emulator. Microsoft’s emulator, used by Parallels, functions correctly. I spent some time investigating the Rosetta issue, hoping to find specific instructions that were causing problems so I could recode them. However, the failure occurs within a loop where the same instruction that previously worked suddenly doesn’t, suggesting a deeper issue like interrupt handling. This will likely require a fix from Apple.

In the meantime, running Sailwave under Parallels seems to be the only reliable solution.

Best regards,

I have been able to install a Windows 11 ARM virtual machine, load Sailwave and score a handicap race without crashing on VMware Fusion. When I have more solid data I will post about running Sailwave in a virtual machine on VMware Fusion in a new thread.


I followed dbpeer’s instructions exactly and got SW to run on a 2015 MacBook Air running Monterey. Thank you.

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